Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Have you ever been in a state of nothingness? No real visible movement going on at all of any kind. You feel your suppose to do this and that but when you try, nothing happens and you question yourself and start to wonder why bother. Do you feel that you have nothing going on in your life and that something is wrong?

I feel this state of nothingness about everyday. But today I started to talk this through with God and started to realize that the nothingness I feel I'm doing is something to someone else. The little things I do to help others are big things to the one receiving the blessing.

Serving God does not mean you have to be on the grand stage, serving God is knowing that some will plant and some will water and being thankful for the part He gives us.

Being the hands and feet of God is being the Mr. Lovewell's of this world. (click link below)
